Hunting down white men isn’t the answer

Alex Anyfantis
9 min readMay 21, 2024

There’s an obsession in today’s society to blame white men for everything: social inequality, domestic violence, unprofessional behaviors, low birth rates, poor dating… It seems the only thing we’re not talking about is how many men are being driven to suicide. It almost makes you feel that may be something worth celebrating.

The hunt is on: every other race and species that was put down by the big bad white man is out to claim their revenge. In the name of “equality”, they’ve begun a “civilized” attack on white males using “data” and “statistics” in their bid to prove that white men are the worst thing that has ever happened to the world since the atomic bomb.

If you’re a woman, you’re 33 percent likely to be raped by a white man (probably your dad or your uncle). You’re 45 percent likely to be a victim of domestic violence by a white man (probably your first boyfriend or your husband). You’re 67 percent likely to fall victim to financial catfishing by a white man (probably that guy you’re talking to on Tinder). You’re 82 percent likely to fall victim to financial abuse by a significant other. You’re 91 percent likely to be gaslighted by a partner.

If you’re a person of color, it’s 78 percent likely that all your white friends owe you an apology and a piece of their property because over 1000 years ago, one of their great-great-great-great ancestors likely slaughtered one of your great-great-great-great ancestors in a bid to take over your land. You are allowing them to stick around out of…



Alex Anyfantis

Media graduate, professional journalist and self-proclaimed Final Fantasy fanboy. Interests (and die-hard passions) include gaming and sports (mainly football).